Welcome to the Guha group’s website at the University of Maryland, College Park

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Our group investigates mathematical foundations, application development, and experimental system design for attaining quantum precision limits of photonic information processing.

Our work entails applications where light is used to extract, carry and process information, e.g., designing codes and quantum-enhanced receivers for optical fiber and free-space classical communications, quantum communications and associated research questions surrounding quantum repeaters, network architectures, interfaces between photon and matter quantum memories and quantum error correction, use of non-classical light sources in photonic sensing systems such as radars, LIDARs, fiber-optic gyroscopes, scanning-probe microscopes etc., systems and methods to approach quantum-limited resolution of passive imaging systems with applications in astronomy, microscopy, and spectral imaging, as well as special-purpose computations using quantum states of light.

We are interested in evaluating the fundamental performance limits in these applications, by treating information-bearing light as a quantum mechanical object. We are also interested in designing, evaluating and building proof-of-concept systems in our laboratory that aim to approach such quantum-limited performance, which often involves innovations spanning multiple disciplines such as information and estimation theory, quantum optics, physics of atomic systems, error correction theory, and network theory.